Happy couple sunset beach run

Fill The Gap

Happy couple sunset beach run

Fill the Gap

See a gap in your favorite home’s rental calendar? Enjoy a 5% discount on any dates that fill in the gap during the weekdays in a rental calendar. This special does not apply to weekend stays. Your arrival date must be the day of or day after a departure, and your departure date must be the day of or day before the next arrival. A 3-night minimum is required and this is not valid on vacation homes with 7-night minimums.

Use coupon code FILLTHEGAP and receive 5% off the following homes in June!- *not to be combined with any other promotion*.

Cove Hollow 6/11-6/14- (3  nights)

Emerald Breeze 6/11-6/14 –  (3 nights)

Golden Lady 6/6-6/9 – (3 nights)

Marlin 6/4-6/7 – 3 nights

Rena’s Smile  6/15-6/18 –( 3 nights)     

Southern Exposure 6/1-6/6 – (5 nights)

Thyme by the Sea 6/3-6/7 – (4 nights)

Sugaree Sands 1 and 2  6/1-6/5 – (4 nights)

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